Saturday, July 12, 2008

Latest pics

Salam semua...
Just want to update some of the pics in my blog...especially, the pics of my baby. We already got the name for our little name is...NUR ZAHRA RAUDHAH BINTI MOHD RAMZAN...She is turning 8 days old today. This afternoon, I went out to buy some healthy supplement for Huda..just want to make sure she is allright, and able to fully recover from losses of blood last Saturday. Most of our friends around Canberra and a few from Melbourne (Military pers and civies!) already came here to visit the baby. Thanks a lot for coming...and the lovely presents too..heheheh..
Ok, can't spend too much time here talking and talking! Hope that all of you guys will enjoy to see the pics. For Maj Fazal, Kak Bib and family...thank you for the moral support. May Allah bless all of us...till then, please wait for the next update!..Salam..

I want mummyyyyyy!!!!!!......hehehe
Mittens and socks selalu tercabut...ganassss....
Biar nangis, amik gambar dulu....ragging skit....biasa laa...anak askarrrr...
Dah penat nangis, tido lak....
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............... on board!
Cian dia...berbungkus-bungkus! Baby winter....
My mom ngan kucing2 jiran sebelah yang selalu dok terjengok kat tepi pintu umah aku tiap2 pagi...'over friendly'! Cam biasa...x paham B.Melayu...kucing Mat Saleh katakan....
My mother in law memberikan posing maut...hehehehe
Both moms tengah bersembang hal2 semasa...seperti..."Beli kat mana baju ni? Best ka pakai?"....dan...."Lawa x rambut I ni? Cam model x?"..hehehehe...apa2 pun, both of them are happy to stay here....
Maj Hadi and family from Wodonga, Melb....jauh mai....
Kol Abdullah and family...our Defence Attache in Australia...
Andrew @ Nasser, his wife Raihan and their baby girl, Laila..Laila just 1 month older than Nur Zahra Raudhah...Raihan tu asal Kedah, dan kahwin ngan orang sini...Both of them are good friend!
Gambar ramai2 ngan Nasser, Raihan sekeluarga.....

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